The role of a percentage decrease calculator is to work out the difference between one quantity and a lesser one – but as a percentage. You can use a percentage decrease calculator for this, but knowing how to do it by hand is a valuable skill to have. You can learn all about percentage decreases below.
Follow these five steps below to work out how to calculate a percentage decrease. 1. Identify the original value and the new value. As an example, the initial value is 600, and the new value is 450. 2. Take the new value from the original value 600 – 450 = 150 3. Divide the previous answer by the original value 150 / 600 = 0.25 4. Multiply the previous answer (0.25) by 100 to get the percentage 0.25 x 100 = 25 percent 5. Compare it to the percentage decrease calculator to see if it’s correct To use a percentage decrease calculator, you need to know the original value and the new value. The new value must also be less than the original; otherwise, you need to use a percentage increase calculator. You then work out the difference between the two figures before dividing the difference by the original number. To get a percentage, multiply the answer by 100. If you want to know the answer right away, use the percentage decrease calculator and save time.
Use this formula to work out the percentage between a higher and lower figure. The percent decrease = [(the original value – the new value) / the original value x 100]
The concept of a percentage decrease calculator is simple. It’s the portion of value between one figure and another, as part of 100. If, however, you need to find out what the percentage increase of a number is, you can use a percentage increase calculator.